Shareholder’s information
As a Mersen shareholder, you own a part of the Company’s capital.

Individual Shareholders
Being a Mersen Shareholders entitles you to:
- Attend General Shareholders’ meetings and express your opinion on important issues relating to how the company is run
- Receive a dividend
- Have access to the Group’s information
- Participate in capital transactions
Share price at December 31, 2023
35.20 €
Bearer or registered shares?
Registered shares
SG Securities Services manages the security services of MERSEN.
Hotline number: +33 2 51 85 67 89
Fax number: +33 2 51 85 62 15
Your shares are registered in your name in a register maintained directly by SG Securities Services, Mersen’s account holder.
This type of ownership allows you to:
- Benefit from the free management of your securities account with no handling fees
- Be automatically invited to Mersen’s shareholders’ annual general meetings
- Consult your account anytime using Sharinbox, a secure Internet service provided by SG Securities Services, Mersen’s account holder.
Buy shares and hold them in registered form:
Please contact:
Société Générale Securities Services
32 rue du champ de tir CS30812
44308 Nantes Cedex 3 - FRANCE
Hotline number: +33 2 51 85 67 89
Fax number: +33 2 51 85 62 15
Convert your shares to registered form:
Download and fill in the form.
Once you have completed it, you should simply send it to the financial institution managing your securities account or your PEA equity savings account.
Manage your registered shares:
Visit Sharinbox to:
- Consult your share plan portfolio
- Trade your share online
- Update your personal détails
- View your transaction history
Your confidential access codes are available in the letter sent to you by SG Securities Services.
Intermediary registered shares
Your share portfolio is managed by your financial intermediary which is responsible for managing your portfolio. However, your shares are registered in Mersen’s accounts, which enables us to be in direct contact with you.
This type of ownership allows you to be automatically invited to Mersen’s shareholders’ annual general meetings.
Bearer shares
Your shares are held in an account managed by the financial institution of your choice. By default, all shares acquired on the stock market are bearer shares.
Letter to Shareholders
Corporate documents
Letter to shareholders - September 2024pdf - 1.96 MB
Corporate documents
Letter to shareholders – April 2024pdf - 1.11 MB
Corporate documents
Letter to shareholders – September 2023pdf - 2.21 MB
Corporate documents
Letter to shareholders – April 2023pdf - 1.24 MB
Corporate documents
Letter to shareholders – September 2022pdf - 1.54 MB
Corporate documents
Letter to shareholders – April 2022pdf - 2.46 MB