Corporate Social Responsibility


Our goal: raising awareness on disabilities, demystifying beliefs, managing potential fears and objections.

illustration a standing person greets a person in a wheelchair
I’m convinced that disability inclusion in the Group’s policy contributes to changing the collective representation of disability in our operations and in the society more globally.
Luc Themelin, CEO of Mersen

Luc Themelin

Chief Executive Officer

A program based on 4 pillars

A workplace suited to disabled workers

  • Combating prejudice

    and representation
  • Recruitment

    and job retention of disabled people
  • Adaptation

    Physical working environment adaptation
  • Inclusion

    Internal and external inclusion

Recruitment and job retention of disabled people

  • 135.00

    disabled people in 2021

  • 174.00

    disabled people in 2022

  • 197.00

    disabled people in 2023

  • 25.00 %

    the number of disabled people in 2027 vs 2022 (objective)


International network

The Valuable 500

Mersen has joined The Valuable 500, an international network for the inclusion of people with disabilities in companies.

We all have the power to act.


À la recherche d'une nouvelle opportunité de carrière ?
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