Corporate Social Responsibility

Gender Balance

The Group’s primary objective, the integration of an increasing number of women in all roles has over many years led to actions plan.

illustration woman and man on a tandem bike

Gender balance, a source of value creation

Actions plan

  • Recruiting

    more women, especially engineers and Managers
  • Giving women greater visibility

    to encourage internal promotion
  • Raising employees’ awareness

    about gender diversity
  • Identifying

    any gender pay gaps and taking measures to close them

Gender Balance

Share of women engineers and managers

  • 20.00 %

    in 2018

  • 25.00 %

    in 2022

  • 26.00 %

    in 2023

  • 29.00 %

    by 2027 (target)

Network to promote diversity


Created in 2010, the WiN network (Women in MerseN) brings together male and female Group employees who want to work together to promote cooperation and mutual assistance, encouraging growth through greater diversity. 

In 2019, a Europe-wide network was launched giving new opportunities to meet and reflect on these matters.

In 2021, the american (USA, Brazil) networks reinforced the scope.

In 2022, the Chinese network was created.

Two new networks, WiN India and WiN Turkey, were launched in 2023.

The Diversity Committee and the WiN network work to promote the local initiatives already in place. 


The Group has a target of reaching 27% women in senior management positions by 2027.

Mersen USA WiN network meeting

UN Women’s Empowerment Principles

Mersen is signatory of the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), joining the global community of companies taking action to promote gender equality and women empowerment.

Gender equality index for

French Mersen subsidiaries with a workforce of over 50 people


Based on 2024 data:

- Mersen France Amiens: 93
- Mersen France Gennevilliers: 84
- Mersen France SB: 75
- Mersen France Angers: 92


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