Mersen: promoting Women in Industry
Paris, May 10, 2019 – Mersen (Euronext FR0000039620 – MRN), a global expert in electrical power and advanced materials, opens its Pagny-sur-Moselle plant (France) to high school girls and women students to promote gender balance in manufacturing.
Committed to diversity, Mersen aims to recruit more women, leverage their talent and reduce any gender gaps. In fact, the Group has set itself the objective of ensuring that 25% to 30% of its managers and executives are women by 2022 vs 20% at the end of 2018.
For this year’s Industri’Elles event, around twenty girls in their last two years of high school and six women graduates from the nearby Lycée Louis Vincent of Metz (France) will visit and meet with the operational teams at Mersen’s Pagny‑sur‑Moselle plant, the Group’s center of expertise for graphite anti-corrosion equipment and systems. They will be accompanied by their school principal and teachers, as well as by Anne-Marie Messe, Academic Delegate for Technology, representing Florence Robine, rector of the Academy of Nancy-Metz.
The students and recent graduates will have the opportunity to ask Group employees questions about work-life balance in technical and industrial professions, the ideal roles and types of management in business, and access and professional opportunities for women in manufacturing.
For Mersen, the day is also a chance to present the Group, and its employment model and opportunities, especially at its Pagny-sur-Moselle plant.
Gilles Braussen, Director of the Pagny-sur-Moselle plant, commented: “We are excited to welcome this group of young women and show them our facilities and products, as well as the career paths Mersen has to offer.”
Estelle Legrand, Group Human Resources Director, on site today, said: “Women are still underrepresented in manufacturing. We hope that today’s Industri’Elles event will inspire and help women to join this exciting sector. Our Group is present in a large number of countries across all continents, offering a lot of opportunities!”

A global expert in electrical power and advanced materials, Mersen designs innovative solutions to address its clients' specific needs to enable them to optimize their manufacturing performance in sectors such as energy, electronics, transportation, chemicals & pharmaceuticals and process industries.
Mersen, with 6,900 employees working across 35 countries, recorded sales of €879 million in 2018.
Mersen is listed on Euronext Paris – Compartment B
Véronique Boca
VP, Communication Mersen
Tel. + 33 (0)1 46 91 54 40
FTI Consulting Strategic Communications
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