Providing the widest range of circuit protection products in the industry means that we offer solutions for everyone from OEMs and panel builders to MROs and electrical contractors either directly or via electrical distributors.
G213055 - NDZGG50V4
B1019775 - BTC69V80
D1006621 - BTF69V125
E1006622 - BTF69V160
F1006623 - BTF69V200
J1006626 - BTMF69V250
K1006627 - BTMF69V315
NEOZED D0 fuse-links aM 400/440VAC
The system is the most modern of the screw systems and designed for 400VAC/440VAC networks.
They limit and cut off short circuit currents from 6.3 times In up to their nominal breaking capacity.