Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 72 gR 600VDC IEC 650VDC UL 400A With Striker Flush ends metric threads
Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 72 aR 1200VDC IEC 250A With Striker L Brackets
Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 72 aR 1200VDC IEC 315A With Striker L Brackets
Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 72 aR 1200VDC IEC 350A Striker L Brackets
Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 72 aR 1200VDC IEC 400A With Striker L Brackets
Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 72 aR 1200VDC IEC 420A With Striker L Brackets
The Protistor® have been engineered to provide state-of-the-art protection for semiconductors: diodes, thyristors and IGBT devices. Fuses are assembled with die-cut elements embedded in solidified sand, which helps control arcing characteristics for a lower I²t and high interrupting rating level. All contact surfaces are silver plated and all hardware is non-magnetic.
All fuse-links can be equipped with a low voltage trip-indicator which can operate a field mountable microswitch.
Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 72 aR 1250VAC IEC 1300VAC UL 280A With Striker Open Slot Blades
High performance square body fuse-link Protistor® Size 91 aR 1500VAC IEC 250A With Striker DIN 140 Blades URH