Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 33 aR 690VAC IEC 700VAC UL 800A With Striker Flush ends UNC threads
Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 33 aR 690VAC IEC 700VAC UL 800A With Striker DIN 110 Blades
Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 70 aR 1250VAC IEC 1300VAC UL 100A With Striker Slotted Blades long
Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 70 aR 1250VAC IEC 1300VAC UL 125A Striker Plain Blades
Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 70 aR 1250VAC IEC 1300VAC UL 125A With Striker Flush ends metric threads
Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 70 aR 1250VAC IEC 1300VAC UL 125A With Striker Open Slot Blades
Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 70 aR 1250VAC IEC 1300VAC UL 125A With Striker Flush ends UNC threads
Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 70 aR 1250VAC IEC 1300VAC UL 125A With Striker DIN 110 Blades
Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 70 aR 1250VAC IEC 1300VAC UL 125A With Striker Slotted Blades long
Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 70 aR 1250VAC IEC 1300VAC UL 80A With Striker Flush ends UNC threads