Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 72 aR 1200VDC IEC 250A With Striker L Brackets
Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 72 aR 1200VDC IEC 315A With Striker L Brackets
Square Body High-Speed Fuse Protistor® Size 72 aR 1200VDC IEC 350A Striker L Brackets
Photovoltaic fuse gPV 1200VDC IEC 10A Cylindrical For Clip
Photovoltaic fuse gPV 1200VDC IEC 12.5A Cylindrical For Clip
Photovoltaic fuse gPV 1200VDC IEC 16A Cylindrical For Clip
Photovoltaic fuse gPV 1200VDC IEC 20A Cylindrical For Clip
Photovoltaic fuse gPV 900VDC IEC 25A Cylindrical For Clip
They are also available with bolted type blades for direct mounting.
Photovoltaic fuse gPV 1000VDC IEC 1000VDC UL Size NH1 50A With DIN Type Blades For Direct Mount