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Mersen Profile

Thomas Baumgartner, Mersen CFO

We achieved excellent results in 2023, exceeding initial forecasts. Sales totaled a record €1.2bn and current operating margin reached 11.3%.

Thomas Baumgartner
Chief Financial Officer

Latest Publication

May 16, 2024

The combined general meeting of shareholders of Mersen was held today under the chairmanship of Olivier Legrain, Chairman of the Board of Directors.


Save the date: 2024 Interim Results
01 Jul - 30 Jul 2024

Quiet period

Save the date: 2024 Third Quarter Sales
08 Oct - 23 Oct 2024

Quiet period


App "Mersen for Investors"

Mersen for investors application screenshots
Application Mersen for investors Download the application

Mersen Share

Share price live
Last quotation
Variation J-1


Ownership structure




Threshold crossing disclosure


Analysts Coverage


Are you a shareholder or investor? Would you like to become one? Contact the Investor Relations team for complete information.

Are you an institutional investor? Request an appointment at dri@mersen.com.
If you would like to know more about our products, please use our dedicated form.

Véronique Boca, VP, Corporate & Financial Communication

Véronique Boca

VP, Corporate & Financial Communication
Laurence Lamy, Corporate communication Manager & Individual Shareholders relations

Laurence Lamy

Corporate communication Manager & Individual Shareholders relations
Trinity Tower, Mersen's headquarters

Mersen Headquarters

Tour Trinity
1 bis place de la Défense
92400 Courbevoie - France

Documents to download

Letter to Shareholders - April 2024
2023 Annual Results Presentation
2023 Universal Registration Document
XBRL version - 2023 Universal Registration Document
Investors Presentation - January, 2024
Stifel expert call on SiC, speaker: Luc Themelin, CEO
First-Half 2023 Results Presentation
2023 Half-Year Financial Report
SRI presentation (socially responsible investment) - May 2024
bull and bear with figures on Mersen code of stock market ethics cover
Code of Stock Market Ethics